Shipping time varies depending on the product ordered. Our most popular items are shipped from our shipping warehouse in South Carolina. Handling time for those items is usually 1 business day and they typically arrive within 5-7 business days to most US locations. Other countries can take a bit longer. Most custom designed products like graphic T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Mugs, etc are made to order at and shipped from a facility in Michigan. As they are made to order, handling time on those products is usually 2-3 business days and shipping time is 5-7 business days. Some items are shipped directly from the factory overseas to our buyers. Those items are clearly marked as factory direct on the sales pages. We have 2-4 weeks listed for shipping time on those items, but typically the delivery time is 1.5 to 2.5 weeks. However, please do allow the 2-4 weeks on those items just in case of delays.

We have MANY items on our site that are free, you just have to cover shipping. Most of those items are shipped factory direct, and from different factories, so there is a shipping fee for each item. As those are shipped factory direct, they will be marked as such on the sales page and have 2-4 weeks listed as shipping time....but is usually less.

We try to provide tracking on all orders. Sometimes there is a delay between the time we upload the tracking and it gets updated on the carrier's site. It may take a clouple of days for tracking to update on international orders in initially. However, if it has been between 3-5 days and tracking as not updated, please let us know ASAP so we can look into it.

If you have ANY questions or concerns about your order, please contact us. We'd love to help!